3 Questions To Ask Before Engaging A Digital Marketing Agency

Many businesses lack the expertise and resources to execute successful digital marketing campaigns, which is why investing in a digital marketing agency is a popular solution nowadays.

With the insights and expertise that these agencies provide, it makes perfect sense to hire them to come up with an effective digital marketing strategy. 

As an aspiring digital hub, the abundance of digital marketing agencies in Malaysia is no surprise. Unfortunately, this makes the process of choosing the right agency for your brand much more tedious. 

With that said, here are three questions you need to ask before choosing a digital marketing agency.

1) Is the agency credible?

Apart from the usual client references and case studies, reputable companies will display their certifications and badges on their website. 

For example, a Google Partner badge serves as a strong recognition of an agency’s expertise in Google Ads. To be recognised by Google, these agencies must undergo strict performance assessment, product certification exams and various training sessions.

Thus, such certifications are great indicators to assess if an agency is reliable.

Transparency is another factor in determining the credibility of your digital agency. The agency should be clear about their practices so that you know what to expect from your partnership.

It is thus vital to lay down all the terms and conditions in a contract before commencing anything.

2) What kind of experience does the agency have?

Being credible is not enough – digital marketing agencies should also be experienced in their field.

If they don’t have any experience in your industry, they may not be aware of the latest trends and needs. Ask how they’ll venture into a new industry and ensure that they know what it takes to achieve your expected goals.

Now is the time to put them to the test. Request for a pitch, and see if their ideas satisfy you.

While agencies who specialise in your niche can be a good choice, versatile agencies can also be beneficial. 

They may not be experts in your industry at the start, but their varied experience shows that they are quick to understand different businesses, industries and goals. 

Browse through their past works and see if they are adaptable to your brand. Their fresh set of eyes can introduce ideas from other industries and uncover new approaches to improve your digital marketing strategy. 

Looking for a flexible digital agency in Malaysia to execute a digital marketing campaign? Reach out to our team for an effective solution now.

3) How does the agency communicate?

Engaging a digital marketing agency means you are establishing a new relationship, which requires constant feedback and communication. It is vital for the agency to follow up with you quickly so that you’ll always be on the same page.

Hence, prospective agencies should allocate you with a primary contact person. You want to discuss how often you’ll get a progress update, and how you can assess the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns. 

Open communication leads to mutual respect and understanding, which will benefit your relationship with the agency. When the agency understands your views and goals, you’ll be able to work together to achieve the best results.

Ultimately, good communication will lead to a consistent digital marketing strategy throughout all channels.  

Get in touch and listen to their ideas.

Failing to align expectations with digital marketing agencies have caused brands to face unpleasant experiences. Thus, you should always contact agencies to discuss your goals and needs before partnering up with them. 

Once you’ve done your research and understand what they can bring to the table, you’ll be able to properly evaluate whether they are the right agency for you.

If you’re ready to partner up with a digital marketing agency to achieve effective results, you can talk to our dedicated team today.

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