Logo Design

An effective way to stand out from other companies is to create your brand identity to make you more recognizable and relatable to your audience

What is branding?

Branding refers to a company’s image or identity and the way it’s presented to customers. A company’s brand typically represents its values, brand voice and messaging. Marketing professionals often build brands to demonstrate how they prefer the company to perceive the organization. When you decide on a  brand image, it’s important to remain consistent by regularly including your brand’s logo, messaging, image, style and voice in all marketing materials. This makes the company more recognizable to potential customers and makes it stand out from competitors.

The way to develop a
strong brand

Developing a strong brand typically involves working closely with your team to closely evaluate the company’s missions, values, vision, goals and purpose

Research target audience

It's important to regularly conduct research on who your audience is, the way they consume content and any values or causes they possess. This helps you communicate your brand and its identity in a way they can relate to and better understand. You can also learn their industry challenges, goals and needs.

Conduct a brand audit

Performing a brand audit typically entails closely reviewing its current messaging, image and identity. There are different elements that make up a brand and its image, including its website, marketing collateral and sales materials.

Survey the employees

Gain their input on the brand's strategy by distributing surveys or questionnaires that ask how team members view the company and the values they believe you should communicate in your promotional material

Discuss company goals, vision, mission

Work with management and leadership teams to discuss your achievement goals for the company in both the short- and long-term. Discuss the company's mission and vision statements, along with its values, to ensure your goals align well with the company's overall purpose.

Build a brand strategy and style guide

You can use the feedback from staff members to create a brand strategy that accurately represents and showcases your brand's identity. After reviewing your brand's current materials, you can highlight areas to change and start building strategies that implement these fixes. You can create a style guide that explains your brand's purpose, messaging and image.

Logo Design package

Ignite Your Brand’s Impact with Memorable Logos that Capture Your Essence.


Logo Design
3D Mock-up
Graphic Design
Typography Design
Light & Dark Version
3 Initial Logo Concepts
3 Revisions on selected logo
Ai File & Image File


Logo Design
3D Mock-up
Graphic Design
Typography Design
Light & Dark Version
6 Initial Logo Concepts
3 Revisions on selected logo
Brand Guide (Corporate Identity)
Ai File & Image File


Logo Design
Letterhead Design
Business Card Design
Envelope Design
Corporate Shirt Design
Company Profile Design
Website Development 
3D Mock-up
Graphic Design
Typography Design
Light & Dark Version
6 Initial Logo Concepts

3 Revisions on selected logo
Brand Guide (Corporate Identity)
Ai File & Image File

Best Branding Examples

While some compare and contrast brand vs product brand examples, we will focus on successful branding examples.


Apple’s branding strategy revolves around bringing value to the customers, meeting current standards, strengthening their reputation, and starting trends. And it pays off. The company is a widely recognized trendsetter, with some of its gadgets serving as synonyms of specific niches. Their reputation always assists product launch and all sorts of promotions


Tesla is one of the most inspiring branding products in the World. It took the market by storm several years ago and generated US$53.8 billion in 2021. This automotive conglomerate is also synonymous with the whole category. It has successfully carved a niche for itself, even though it was not the first one to introduce the electric car to the public.


They coined the term “Just Do It,” making it a slogan for millions of athletes out there and gave the name for their logo, making it widely known among the crowd. It became a synonym of the sports category.


The secret ingredient of their branding lies in the fact that the company has a range of consumer brands under its umbrella. Therefore, at some point, it belongs to two Worlds. It is both a consumer and brand.

What is brand? What is logo?
Are they same?

Take a look for an example


A brand is the idea or image people have in mind when thinking about specific products, services, and activities of a company, both in a practical and emotional way. This combination of physical and emotional cues is triggered when exposed to all the touchpoints between a person and a specific brand. These can be the brand name, logo, products, visual identity, staff, or advertising – amongst others.


A logo is an easily recognizable graphic symbol that identifies a company, a commercial product, or any public or private entity. It is one of the ways to distinguish a brand in a competitive world, full of graphic elements that try to attract our attention every day. A logo is generally a combination of typographies, graphics/symbols, and colors. It is a graphic element that is part of the visual identity of a brand.

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